How Organizations Actually Achieve More With Less
The organizational pressure to accomplish more with fewer resources has never been stronger. Individuals and teams are stretched (and stressed) to accomplish increasingly challenging goals.
The unfortunate result of this is showing up in workplace trends we’re all hearing about: burnout, high turnover, “silent quitting”, The Great Resignation, and overall low levels of employee engagement. If not addressed, it’s a vicious downward cycle that leads to a broken, toxic culture and a greater loss of resources.
But there’s a way out of this cycle. 57% of global employees are not engaged and not thriving. "Gallup estimates that low engagement costs the global economy US$7.8 trillion and accounts for 11% of GDP globally.. That’s why we at 9Q developed “The High-Performance Habits of Winning Organizations”.
Join William Poett, President of 9Q Solutions and author of the ABCs of Peak Performers, and discover why most organizations will fail at this and how winning organizations have mastered this simple idea.
Individuals and teams in winning organizations win because they practice habits that allow them to use available resources more positively and efficiently than anyone else. They “do more with less” because they have made habits out of these six success characteristics.
Align – Energy, time and focus are aligned with the highest value actions.
Create Clarity – Communication is clear so that each person knows exactly what is required and no time is wasted talking “about” issues that are not aligned to the bigger goals.
Build Confidence– Confidence comes from competence and winning teams know how to train in the areas that have the greatest positive impact.
Thrive through Engagement– Team members care about one another, have a sense of belonging and know they are supported, they are “all-in”
Perform – They put wins on the board every day by consistently doing what matters most.
Grow – Winning teams embody a growth mindset, and they are always evolving.
The 9Q program is delivered on the Rali Change Experience Platform; a software platform that delivers measurable, scalable and lasting change that drives performance improvement. In just 20 minutes a week, your organization can learn the 9Q habits and begin to positively impact “doing more with less” within weeks.
“As a woman leader in technology, the tools and concepts learned during my 9Q training continue to be essential to my team’s ability to bring our best to work every day.”