The 9Q Pinnacle Process: Systematic Excellence

The 9Q Pinnacle Training System is a revolutionary, AI-driven solution that adapts to your organization's unique needs, delivering measurable results like a 24% revenue increase, 218% productivity improvement, 50% more employee engagement within six months.

Explore our 8-step process that embeds excellence into every level of your organization:

We are so confident in the efficacy and impact of our 9Q Pinnacle Training System that we are one of the few consulting firms in the world to guarantee our work. If your organization doesn't achieve the agreed-upon goals and KPIs after deploying the Pinnacle System, we will provide an additional four weeks of team training and system upgrades at no extra cost. Your success is not just our promise—it’s our guarantee.


Picture: Establish a Clear Vision

"Picture" is about setting a clear and compelling vision of what success looks like for your organization. It’s the foundational step that sets your training and performance standard and drives every decision and action.

In Practice:
Work closely with key stakeholders to articulate a vision based on key performance metrics that aligns with your organization's core values and strategic goals. This vision becomes the guiding force, ensuring everyone is moving in the same direction.

Why It Matters:
A well-defined vision unifies your team, providing clarity and purpose. It serves as a training roadmap, helping to navigate challenges and seize opportunities, ultimately driving sustained organizational success.

Inventory: Assess Organizational Capabilities

"Inventory" involves conducting a thorough assessment of your current resources, capabilities, and potential gaps. It sets the stage for targeted growth by identifying strengths and areas needing development.

In Practice:
Engage with your team to analyze skills, tools, and processes, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of where your organization currently stands. This data-driven approach helps you pinpoint exactly where to focus your efforts for maximum impact.

Why It Matters:
Understanding your current capabilities is essential for effective planning. It allows you to craft strategies that are grounded in reality, ensuring your organization is well-equipped to meet future challenges and achieve its goals.

Nurture: Cultivate Growth and Performance

"Nurture" focuses on developing and implementing training that foster continuous growth and enhanced performance across your organization. This step is about creating an environment where talent can thrive.

In Practice:
Implement customized training programs, coaching sessions, and development plans that align with your vision and strategic goals. Ensure that every team member has the support and resources they need to excel.

Why It Matters:
Nurturing your team is essential for maintaining momentum and driving long-term success. It helps individuals and the organization as a whole to grow, adapt, and consistently perform at their best.

Top performers are up to 800% more productive than average workers.

Navigate: Apply Skills Through Real-World Scenarios

"Navigate" is about putting your strategies into action by applying new skills in real-world scenarios. This step ensures that theoretical knowledge is effectively translated into practical, impactful results.

In Practice:
Use simulations, role-playing, and real-life challenges to allow your team to practice and refine their skills in a controlled environment. This hands-on approach helps bridge the gap between learning and doing.

Why It Matters:
Practical application is crucial for success. It empowers your team to execute strategies with confidence and precision, leading to tangible improvements in performance and outcomes.

Align: Ensure Strategic and Energetic Alignment

"Align" is about ensuring that every team member's physical, intellectual, and emotional energies are fully engaged and aligned with the organization's strategic objectives.

In Practice:
Support each team member's holistic development by providing resources and guidance that align their personal growth with the job at hand. This involves regular check-ins and adjustments to keep everyone on track with the company’s goals.

Why It Matters:
When individual energies are aligned with organizational objectives, it leads to enhanced focus, productivity, and a more cohesive, effective workforce.

Cellularize: Embed Excellence in Daily Operations

"Cellularize" focuses on integrating best practices into every aspect of your organization's daily operations, ensuring that high performance becomes a standard part of your culture.

In Practice:
Standardize and embed key processes so that excellence is practiced consistently at every level. Encourage team members to internalize these practices, making them a natural part of their daily work.

Why It Matters:
Embedding excellence in daily operations ensures sustained high performance, creating a resilient and adaptable organization where success is built into the culture.

Companies that invest in employee training and development see a 24% increase in profit margins.

Leverage: Utilize Feedback for Continuous Improvement

"Leverage" focuses on using continuous feedback and data-driven insights to refine strategies and enhance organizational performance.

In Practice:
Implement feedback loops and analytics tools to monitor progress and make informed adjustments. Regularly gather input from team members and stakeholders to ensure the strategies remain effective and aligned with goals.

Why It Matters:
Continuous improvement is key to maintaining competitive advantage. By leveraging real-time feedback, organizations can quickly adapt to changes, optimize processes, and sustain high performance.

Elevate: Set New Standards for Success

"Elevate" is about raising the bar and continuously pushing your organization to achieve higher levels of excellence and success.

In Practice:
Regularly revisit and raise performance goals to challenge your team and drive innovation. Encourage a culture of excellence where continuous growth is the norm, not the exception.

Why It Matters:
Setting and pursuing higher standards prevents complacency and ensures that your organization remains competitive, innovative, and ahead of the curve.

Organizations that continually elevate their performance standards see a 19% increase in profitability.
— Source: Bain & Company

How It Works: The 9Q Pinnacle Process

The Fastest, Most Customizable AI-Powered Training System Ever Developed


The 9Q Pinnacle Process: Systematic Excellence

1. Initial Interviews and Assessment
We begin by conducting comprehensive interviews with our peak performance experts to understand your organization’s specific challenges, goals, and culture. With over 35 years of experience working with top leaders in the military, athletics, and corporate worlds, our team ensures that we capture the nuances that make your organization unique.

2. Custom Playbook Creation
Leveraging insights from the interviews, we craft a bespoke e-book playbook. This playbook is developed using an AI-generated mastermind, incorporating the best practices from industry leaders to close performance gaps and align your team with strategies proven to succeed.

3. Seamless Deployment and Facilitation
The process kicks off with a 30-minute all-hands meeting led by one of our top facilitators, alongside your designated in-house champion. Your champion will be certified in the 9Q Pinnacle System, enabling them to lead the program from within. This meeting sets the tone for the journey ahead, ensuring that everyone is aligned and prepared for the transformation.

4. Continuous Improvement Through an Ever-Evolving 8-Week Cycle
The program is deployed with minimal disruption to daily operations and continues to evolve through an eight-week cycle. At the end of each cycle, we iterate the program based on real-time feedback and data, constantly integrating new strategies to keep your team at the cutting edge. This continuous training approach ensures that your organization is always moving forward, building the best team in the industry—because the best are always training.

Why It Matters:
This process is designed by experts with decades of experience in elite training environments. The 9Q Pinnacle System is not just a program but a continuously evolving system that adapts to your organization’s needs, driving sustained excellence in productivity, engagement, and profitability.

  1. Enhanced performance and productivity: By focusing on alignment and implementing the 9Q PINNACLE Training Solutions, individuals and organizations can achieve a state of flow, where creativity, insights, and inspiration flourish. This leads to increased productivity and performance across the organization.

  2. Adaptability and resilience: This training fosters a growth mindset, enabling individuals and organizations to effectively respond to changing market conditions and evolving needs.

  3. Systematized innovation: We provide a structured process to transform ideas into reality, leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence at every step, ensuring a consistent approach to innovation.

  4. Holistic development: By addressing every essential quotient, 9Q Solutions ensures a comprehensive approach to personal and organizational development, resulting in a well-rounded, balanced, and harmonious growth.

  5. Elevated standards: 9Q Solutions sets the highest standard for everything an individual or organization does, driving excellence and pushing beyond mediocrity.

  6. Connection and engagement: Through the 9Q Pinnacle Training Solution we nurture deep connections and engagement within individuals, teams, and organizations, fostering collaboration and a sense of shared purpose.

By adopting the 9Q Solutions methodology, individuals and organizations will elevate every aspect of their life and operation, transforming their approach and impact. This comprehensive, integrated, and transformative methodology will serve as a game-changer for every individual on your team and your sustainable organizational development, unleashing the true power of energetic intelligence.


Tangible solutions for leaders and their teams

Additional 9Q SOLUTIONS


9Q AI Advantage Workshop: 

An immersive, experiential workshop designed to introduce individuals and organizations to the 9Q Advantage methodology. Participants will learn the Align, Integrate, and Innovate frameworks, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the five elements and their corresponding quotients. Through interactive exercises and activities, attendees will gain practical tools and strategies to begin implementing the 9Q Advantage and Artificial Intelligence in their personal lives and organizations.

9Q Executive Coaching

One-on-one coaching sessions with Dr. Laura Ciel and/or William Poett, designed to help individuals unlock their full potential and become Tatsujin. Executive coaching sessions focus on personal growth, leadership development, and the implementation of the 9Q Advantage methodology in the client's life and organization.

9Q Business Optimization Journey

Customized consulting services aimed at helping organizations implement the 9Q Advantage methodology at every level. 9Q Solutions works closely with clients to identify their unique needs, challenges, and opportunities, and then designs tailored strategies and solutions to drive growth and success. Services include strategic planning, team alignment, process improvement, and AI integration, all rooted in the 9Q Advantage methodology.

9Q Online Academy

A comprehensive digital learning platform offering a wide range of courses, resources, and tools to help individuals and organizations master the 9Q Advantage methodology at their own pace. The online academy provides access to engaging video content, interactive exercises, downloadable materials, and community support to ensure a well-rounded and immersive learning experience.

9Q Keynote Speaking

Dr. Laura Ciel and William Poett are available for keynote presentations at conferences, workshops, and corporate events, sharing their insights, expertise, and passion for the 9Q Advantage methodology. Their engaging and inspiring talks will leave audiences with a renewed sense of purpose, motivation, and understanding of how they can unlock their full potential and achieve lasting success in the age of AI.


9Q Train-the-Trainer Program

A specialized program designed to empower individuals within an organization to become certified 9Q trainers, enabling them to teach the 9Q Advantage methodology to their colleagues and teams. This approach ensures a scalable, sustainable, and cost-effective way to implement the 9Q Advantage across an entire organization, creating a culture of growth, innovation, and success.

If you care about your mission, your people and the world we all share, let’s talk.